This picture, colorful as it is, says quite a bit to me. To assuage the need for desire, fulfillment and satisfaction, the butterflies are drawn to the nectar of the wild flowers. Creatively transforming what an artist would call an inspiration, into a masterpiece.
Isn't it beautiful?
Well, it is the start of May, the first of its 31 days, and I am still left behind somewhere in the throngs of March. I guess I would have to move forward as fast as I can to reach the present.
A lot has happened in the month of April - catastrophes, terror attacks, people dying, babies born, weddings, new beginnings, an end to relationships, an end to struggles, hope for the future, children graduating, sicknesses, discoveries, and the list goes on.
What I am trying to say is that even through the bad times, the good times reveal itself. There's is always the good and the bad, acceptance and moving on is key to overcoming all difficulties. I know it is easier said than done.
People hope, pray, ask, receive and life just turn on its wheels. Not one of us can stop time or have it tick based on our needs, our time frame.
I look at things beautiful when things don't go the way I want it to. There is always tomorrow to begin anew.
So have a great month of May everyone. May success and trying chances be in your itinerary. Let life take its course. Let the tears flow if it makes you feel better, and then smile that you have another chance, another day to carry on.
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